JSTool - A JavaScript tool for Visual Studio Code and Notepad++

A JavaScript tool for Visual Studio Code.

  • Porting from 2M+ downloads JavaScript tool for Notepad++.
  • Douglas Crockford's JSMin algorithm to minimize JavaScript code.
  • My own algorithm to format JavaScript code.
  • A JSON tree viewer.


Really helpful to JavaScript coder on Visual Studio Code. Easy to use it.

Made in China.

License: GPL 2.0



  • JavaScript minify.
  • JavaScript/JSON format.
  • Sort JSON data alphabetically.
  • JSON tree viewer.


What's New in 1.2503.0:

  • Fix ES6 import format.


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Install JSTool from Extensions:

  1. Run Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open "Extensions" from Activity Bar.
  3. Search "jstool".
  4. Click "Install" button. After install finished, then click "Reload".

Or install JSTool manually, see Help.


Other files:

  • Install JSTool manually

    1. Visit JSTool page in Visual Studio Marketplace.
    2. Click "Download Extension" on right side.
    3. Run Visual Studio code.
    4. Using the "Install from VSIX..." command in the Extensions view command drop-down, or the "Extensions: Install from VSIX..." command in the Command Palette.
    5. Select sunjw.jstool-x.y.z.vsix you just downloaded.


  • Uninstall JSTool

    1. Run Visual Studio Code.
    2. Open "Extensions" from Activity Bar.
    3. Under "Enabled" section, select "JSTool".
    4. Click "Uninstall" button.


  • How to use JSTool

    Minimize source code:

    1. Open you JavaScript source code file in Visual Studio Code.
    2. Using the "Minimize JavaScript" command in the Command Palette.
    3. If you want to put minimized source code in a new file, using the "Minimize JavaScript (New file)" command.


    Format all code in a source code file:

    1. Open you JavaScript source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Using the "Format JavaScript (JSON)" command in the Command Palette.


    Format selected code in a source code file:

    1. Open you JavaScript source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Select source code lines which you want to format.
    3. Using the "Format JavaScript (JSON)" command in the Command Palette.


    Sort JSON data alphabetically:

    1. Open you JSON data file in Visual Studio Code.
    2. Using the "JSON Sort" command in the Command Palette.
    3. If you want to put sorted JSON data in a new file, using the "JSON Sort (New file)" command.


    Show and refresh JSON tree view:

    1. Open you JSON data file in Visual Studio Code.
    2. Using the "Refresh JSON Tree View" command in the Command Palette.
    3. Or right click ROOT node in "JSTool: JSON Tree", click "Refresh" in context menu.


JSTool - A JavaScript tool for Notepad++ and Visual Studio Code - Made in China

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License v3.0.

2010- Sun Junwen | sunjw8888 at gmail.com | fHash | Follow me on Weibo Follow me on Twitter |   Get JSToolNpp at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads