JSTool - A JavaScript tool for Notepad++ and Visual Studio Code

A JavaScript tool for Notepad++.

  • Douglas Crockford's JSMin algorithm to minimize JavaScript code.
  • My own algorithm to format JavaScript code.
  • A JSON tree viewer. The JSON tree viewer for Notepad++ can handle >10MB JSON file easily.
  • Support 64bit Notepad++ (from version 1.20.0, ".64.zip" package).


Really helpful to JavaScript coder on Notepad++. Easy to use it.

Made in China.

License: GPL 2.0



  • JavaScript minify.
  • JavaScript/JSON format.
  • Sort JSON data alphabetically.
  • JSON tree viewer.


What's New in 1.2503.0:

  • Fix ES6 import format.
  • Fix potential crash on non-English Windows.


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The latest release build:


Other files:

  • Install JSTool from Plugin Manager

    1. Run Notepad++.
    2. Open menu: "Plugins" - "Plugin Manager" - "Show Plugin Manager". If you can't find "Plugin Manager" in Notepad++ menu, please go to Notepad++ Plugin Manager, download and install "Plugin Manager" manually.
    3. Under "Available" tab, select "JSTool".
    4. Click "Install" button. Then Plugin Manager will do downloading and installing automatically.


  • Install JSTool manually

    1. Download JSTool.
    2. Extract JSMinNpp.dll from JSToolNpp.x.y.z.uni.zip (or JSToolNpp.x.y.z.asc.zip) you just downloaded.
    3. For before Notepad++ 7.6: copy JSMinNpp.dll to plugins directory under Notepad++ installation path, like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\".
    4. For after Notepad++ 7.6.3 (include 7.6.3): copy JSMinNpp.dll to a "JSMinNpp" directory under plugins directory in Notepad++ installation path, like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\JSMinNPP\" (you may need to create a directory named "JSMinNPP").
    5. For Notepad++ 7.6 to 7.6.2: please update to Notepad++ 7.6.3.
    6. Run Notepad++, you will see JSTool in "Plugins" menu.


  • Uninstall JSTool

    Uninstall in Plugin Manager:

    1. Run Notepad++.
    2. Open menu: "Plugins" - "Plugin Manager" - "Show Plugin Manager".
    3. Under "Installed" tab, select "JSTool".
    4. Click "Remove" button. Then Plugin Manager will do uninstalling automatically.


    Or you can uninstall manually:

    1. Exit any running Notepad++.
    2. For before Notepad++ 7.6: go to plugins directory under Notepad++ installation path, like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\", delete JSMinNpp.dll.
    3. For after Notepad++ 7.6.3 (include 7.6.3): go to plugins directory under Notepad++ installation path, like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\", delete JSMinNPP directory.
    4. For Notepad++ 7.6 to 7.6.2: please update to Notepad++ 7.6.3.


  • How to use JSTool

    Minimize source code:

    1. Open you JavaScript source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Open menu: "Plugins" - "JSTool".
    3. If you want to put minimized source code in current file, click "JSMin". Or if you want to put minimized source code in a new file, click "JSMin (New file)".


    Format all code in a source code file:

    1. Open you JavaScript source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Press "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"M".
    3. Or open menu: "Plugins" - "JSTool" then click "JSFormat".


    Format selected code in a source code file:

    1. Open you JavaScript source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Select source code lines which you want to format.
    3. Press "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"M".
    4. Or open menu: "Plugins" - "JSTool" then click "JSFormat".


    JSON Sort:

    1. Open you JSON source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Open menu: "Plugins" - "JSTool".
    3. If you want to put sorted JSON source code in current file, click "JSON Sort". Or if you want to put sorted JSON source code in a new file, click "JSON Sort (New file)".


    JSON Viewer:

    1. Open you JavaScript or JSON source code file in Notepad++.
    2. Press "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"J".
    3. Or open menu: "Plugins" - "JSTool" then click "JSON Viewer".
    4. Or click on toolbar.

JSTool - A JavaScript tool for Notepad++ and Visual Studio Code - Made in China

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License v3.0.

2010- Sun Junwen | sunjw8888 at gmail.com | fHash | Follow me on Weibo Follow me on Twitter |   Get JSToolNpp at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads